
Stress Management - Reducing and Coping with Stress

If you find this photo blurry, then stress has taken you. ;-) We cannot avoid stress totally but we could try to keep it to a minimum level. The ultimate goal is a balanced life, with time for work, relationships, relaxation, and fun, and the resilience to pressure and challenges. Keep a stress journal. A stress journal can help you identify the true sources of stress in your life and the way you deal with them. It can help you process your thoughts and feelings. Take a break, even for only a few minutes at a time. Use this time to relax and meditate. Simplify your life. Decrease your number of activities if you are already overwhelmed. Learn to say no so you can focus on things that are more important to you. End each day on a positive note by reading an inspiring book, reflecting on something positive that you did or that happened to you that day, or listen to soothing music. Use aromatherapy oils like ylang-ylang to calm the mind or unwind, or peppermint and orange to invigora

Teach your Child to Practice Good Hygiene

Teaching your child to practice good hygiene habits at a young age helps them maintain it throughout their growth. Aside from keeping them healthy, having good hygiene promotes a child’s self-esteem, sense of responsibility and good appearance. Here are some simple tips to help you make good hygiene a lasting habit of your child’s life: Teach by example. Children naturally imitate adults. If you show them you practice good hygiene habits, they would likely follow you. Help your child make hygiene a habit. Make sure they do their hygiene practices regularly to the point of making them a routine. Make it fun. Liven up bath time with tub toys, puppet washcloths or crayon soaps. Allow them to make choices. Encourage your child to select its own shampoo, toothpaste, or toothbrush. This is fun. More importantly, this will help develop their sense of responsibility for and interest in personal hygiene. Reward with words. Always compliment your child’s efforts at good hygiene, even if

Charter on Demand - High Quality Entertainment Made Easy

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Charter . All opinions are 100% mine. As a mom, I find it important to spend some time with my kids. Since my kids are fond of movies, we spend our weekends watching movies together. I would like to share something to you, in case you may not know it, but if you have Charter digital, you have On Demand. Moreover, it is free to access. Charter on Demand have over 6,000 movies and shows to watch anytime you want. There is definitely no waiting and no schedules. If you missed one of your favorite shows like Heroes, 30 Rock and The Office, there are many of your favorites the day after they air on TV, and you could watch them free! They bring you all the best new release movies right to your TV without going to the video store or waiting for the DVD in the mail. They have dozens of free movies for you to choose from anytime. If you are a busy mom, having this service at your fingertips is much easier. You may want to learn more at ch

Reminiscing Good Old Days

This is an old photo taken during our Christmas Party when I was still in Grade 4 but the date on the picture does not show the exact date of the event. I found this photo from a friend's Facebook account. Unfortunately, we do not have digital cameras yet when this was taken. The photo could have been clearer and the images would be much more defined. I have only but a vague memory about the things that happened on the party but I do remember the faces and names of my classmates.

Strengthen Your Family Relationships

Strengthening family relationships provides a better quality of life by enhancing health, safety, support, and a nurturing environment in which families can grow. It is therefore important for people to nurture family relationships to keep them happy and healthy. Here are things you can do today to bond with your loved ones: Brighten your loved one’s day with a smile and simple messages like "Take care!" and "I Love You!" Show support on something they are interested in. Send flowers! Do not wait for an occasion! Compliment them even for the little things they do. Listen when they talk and give your undivided attention. Play a game with them. Share a meal and enjoy the conversation. Help your kids with their homework. The challenge of strengthening our family life depends on our knowledge about strong and healthy families. Make family life your number one priority.

Eyeglasses – Fashionable Vision Correction Tool

Eyeglasses are not only a vision correction tools but a fashionable accessories as well. They have become a part of our personal image and expression. Our personal taste, lifestyle and look are the best guide on choosing the right eyeglasses that would provide us the most flattering look. Purchasing eyeglasses online often is more convenient and less expensive. Online stores provide attractive bargains that would certainly meet your needs and budget. Zenni Optical has gained enough positive references as the cheapest and most reputable online store. Zenni Optical has a wide selection of fashionable prescription eyeglasses and the cheapest starts at only $8 per pair and the shipping is only $4.95 no matter how many pairs you order. Check out the great online experience of a satisfied customer who had personally made purchases at Zenni Optical. Zenni Optical takes considerable pride in being able to deliver a very high quality product of great durability, safety and comfort at trul

Kids Activities - Cultivating Your Child's Creativity

A child's world is filled with expressions of creativity and imagination. With a bit of encouragement from parents, most children happily paint, sing, dance, make up stories and play make-believe. They learn best when actively participating in tasks, rather than passively receiving information. Children take the complex world around them, reduce it to manageable portions by creating little stories, and pretend games. Children are natural imitators. They can make meowing and purring sounds just like their pet cat. They can imitate their mother's expression or their father's gait. Imitations help them get the "feel" of the person or thing they are imitating. These creative activities were once considered "mere play," but are now known to have meaning and purpose. Studies show that children who engage in creative play are likely to have larger vocabulary and greater empathy for others. They tend to be more resourceful when left on their own. Playing