
Showing posts with the label health and medicine

My Children My Treasure

My children are the only treasure I have in life. However, unlike most treasures, I could not keep them locked inside a treasure chest. I have to let them go and let them explore their childhood. My kids are hyperactive and they seem to be always engrossed into something. As much as I wanted to protect them from harm and illness, I cannot keep an eye on them every second of the day. We all can imagine what children are capable of when they are alone. Being sick is no fun to both the child and the parents and we all know that many times it is unavoidable. The health of my children is my top priority. I want to provide them the best health care possible. As a parent, I recognize the need for health insurance. I believe that no child should have to go without adequate health care. Any parent needs to know how to find the best health insurance for their children. Fortunately, we already have health insurance under a group plan offered by our employer. However, for those who do not have

Coffee Break

My brain is not working! Maybe it is still asleep. A coffee break would ( I think ) wake it from its slumber. I got a cup, put sugar, cream and coffee and headed to the water dispenser for hot water. While the water was flowing to the cup, I noticed my coffee did not mix well. Ooops, I forgot to turn on the water dispenser! I turned it on, discarded the cold coffee and waited for the water to become hot, hot, hot. Tick, tack, tick, tack. Finally, I got my hot coffee. I consumed it until its last drop and waited for some time to feel its effect. It has been an hour now and I still have the clouds on my brain. Drinking hot coffee did not have any effect on my sleepy head. Maybe it would do wonders if I have poured it on my face instead. ;) The luck arches the closing ozone.

Diet Plans During Christmas Season

We tend to deviate from our diet plans during Christmas season. We overeat during the holiday because there is so much tempting food around. We engage ourselves in "emotional eating" due to holiday stress; and we lower our discipline in anticipation of the new weight loss diet and exercise plans we intend to start as part of our New Year's resolution. Whatever the reason, here are some diet tips that would help you adhere to your diet plans while enjoying the holiday feast. First, focus on weight maintenance, not weight loss. Weight maintenance is a big enough challenge during the holiday season and this is not a good time to try to lose weight. You only set yourself up for failure by making unrealistic goals for yourself. Plan on " not dieting " after the New Year; instead, work on your wellness eating disciplines: portion control, more fiber, less fat and consistent exercise. Eat a light snack before the party. It is not a good idea to arrive at the party

Postpartum Rashes

Three weeks after giving birth, I had rashes all over my body. At first, I noticed some red spots on my back and thought those were only insect bites. But later on the day, the spots spread to my legs, arms, neck, face and stomach; and eventually, they are all over my body! They itch really bad I could hardly sleep. My OB-Gyne advised me to see a dermatologist. The doctor diagnosed those rashes to be due to allergies. But I'm not allergic to anything. This is the first time I ever had such skin rashes since birth. The doctor could not point out what caused my allergies but prescribed anti-allergy medication anyway. Three days after taking the anti-allergy medicines, the spots gradually disappeared but the cause was still unknown. Back Legs Neck

Giuliano Stroe - Five-Year-Old Weightlifter

Wow, you have to see this one! A mere five-year-old doing body building exercise. Look at the Six-Pack Abs any man would envy! Giuliano Stroe is incredible! As I was watching the video, I just could not utter any other words but WOW! Giuliano Stroe is very AWESOME! "Giuliano Stroe is the 5-year-old weightlifter from Romania who set a Guinness World Record for the fastest 10-meter walk with the weight on his arms. The 5-year-old trains in weightlifting and gymnastics, a popular sports in Romania." He enjoys doing the stunts as if he was just only playing. I could not even finish three push-ups, what more the acrobats that he so easily performed! My seven-year-old son could not even perfect a cartwheel. I do not know if what he is doing is healthy for a very young age. Health experts - what can you say? A five-year-old doing those heavy exercise worries me but he seems so happy. I just wish there would be no complications on his growth, as he gets older.

MVP on Pregnancy

I had a very busy Saturday. There were so many household chores to do because our house help was on leave. I was washing our clothes when my baby cried, a sign that he was already hungry. I carried him and put him on my lap. He was staring at me while greedily drinking his milk. I could not help but reminisce the times when he was still inside my womb. On my first trimester, I not only had morning sickness but all-day sickness as well (do you know an alternative term for this?). I love to eat and eat only to vomit later on. Eating crackers before going up from bed minimized my morning sickness; and eating a little from time to time and eating light meals, in some way, relieved me from vomiting. However, the evening is another story. I have no control over my stomach. It would have its own mind and would push my dinner out from my system! On my second trimester, I was starting to become comfortable with my pregnancy. I do not vomit anymore. I could eat all the food that I love - eve